Patti Lab Members

Mary Elizabeth Patti, M.D.

Investigator and Adult Endocrinologist, Joslin Diabetes Center

Director, Hypoglycemia Clinic; Co-Director of the Joslin DRC Molecular Phenotyping and Genotyping Core

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Patti’s NIH-funded laboratory studies are focused on identification of molecular and epigenetic mechanisms by which environmental/nutritional risk factors during early life confer risk for...

Integrated Physiology and Metabolism, Suite 620
Joslin Diabetes Center
One Joslin Place
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
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Waqar Ali

Undergraduate Student, Harvard College

Waqar is an undergraduate intern at the Patti Lab currently working towards his Bachelor of Science at Harvard College. He is fascinated by human biology and is pursuing Harvard’s Human Developmental...
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Julia Bhuiyan

Undergraduate Student, Harvard College

Julia Bhuiyan is an undergraduate student at Harvard College who is studying History and Science. Originally from metro-Detroit, Julia loves to connect with her community and discover new stories...

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Pilar Casanova Querol

Visiting Graduate Student

My name is Pilar Casanova, I am 27 years old, and I come from Valencia (Spain). After studying a Biotechnology degree at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, I did a master's degree in Regenerative...

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