The Patti Lab
Marble Day 2022 - Berkhan, Qiong, Erika, ME, Arionas, and Rafael
Annual Marble Dinner with lab members Fukino, Rafael, Dr. Patti, and Arionas.
Best wishes to Lei Su MD PhD on his return to China!
We will miss you!
Such happy scientists!
Berkhan Ozturk MD (new postdoc fellow) and Erika Pacheco (lab manager)
Rafael Ferraz-Bannitz Wins Best Poster Award!
at the Systemic Effects of Metabolic Disease Mini-Symposium, BIDMC Translational Research Hub
Tired of Zoom Meetings!
Lab Mini-Hike July 2022
(back, L-R) Tabea, Yael, Evan, Alex, Erika, Cameron, Rafael, Berkcan, (front) Qiong, Arionas, ME, Danielle, Elvira, Bradley Dog