Mary Elizabeth Patti, M.D.

Investigator and Adult Endocrinologist, Joslin Diabetes Center

Director, Hypoglycemia Clinic; Co-Director of the Joslin DRC Molecular Phenotyping and Genotyping Core

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Patti’s NIH-funded laboratory studies are focused on identification of molecular and epigenetic mechanisms by which environmental/nutritional risk factors during early life confer risk for diabetes. Her laboratory utilizes cellular and animal models to study how insulin resistance and nutrition during early life affect function of stem cells and tissues critical for metabolism, and impact diabetes risk in subsequent generations. Clinical/translational studies are focused on the impact of bariatric surgery on diabetes, mechanisms contributing to reductions in glucose after bariatric surgery, and the development of novel approaches to treatment of post-bariatric hypoglycemia.

Dr. Patti received her MD from Jefferson Medical College magna cum laude. She completed internal medicine residency at the University of Pittsburgh and endocrinology fellowship at Joslin Diabetes Center/Harvard Medical School (Longwood Area Endocrinology Training Program). Dr. Patti has held numerous leadership roles in the diabetes scientific community, including service as organizer of a diabetes-focused Keystone Symposium and chair of the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions Planning Committee. She was elected to the American Society of Clinical Investigation in 2009,  to Fellowship in both the American College of Physicians and Obesity Society in 2014, and to the Association of American Physicians in 2022.


Personal Statement:

I am passionate about improving the lives of those affected by diabetes, obesity and metabolic disease such as hypoglycemia! Providing individualized care for each patient is an honor!

However, if we are to improve health and ultimately prevent and eliminate diabetes and metabolic disease, we need to relentlessly pursue new knowledge – clinical research, translational research, and basic science research. I feel so lucky to be able to contribute to diabetes and metabolic disease research.


Fun Facts

Dr, Patti is also the proud mother of 3 children, 5 cats, and 1 dog!

Contact Information

Integrated Physiology and Metabolism, Suite 620
Joslin Diabetes Center
One Joslin Place
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
p: 617-309-2665 (clinical), 617-309-4396 (research administrative assistant)