Publications by Year: 2011


Tschöp, Matthias, John Speakman, Jonathan Arch, Johan Auwerx, Jens Brüning, Lawrence Chan, Robert Eckel, et al. 2011. “A guide to analysis of mouse energy metabolism”. Nat Methods 9 (1): 57-63.
We present a consolidated view of the complexity and challenges of designing studies for measurement of energy metabolism in mouse models, including a practical guide to the assessment of energy expenditure, energy intake and body composition and statistical analysis thereof. We hope this guide will facilitate comparisons across studies and minimize spurious interpretations of data. We recommend that division of energy expenditure data by either body weight or lean body weight and that presentation of group effects as histograms should be replaced by plotting individual data and analyzing both group and body-composition effects using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
Ussar, Siegfried, Sara Vienberg, and Ronald Kahn. 2011. “Receptor antibodies as novel therapeutics for diabetes”. Sci Transl Med 3 (113): 113ps47.
Antibodies to receptors can block or mimic hormone action. Taking advantage of receptor isoforms, co-receptors, and other receptor modulating proteins, antibodies and other designer ligands can enhance tissue specificity and provide new approaches to the therapy of diabetes and other diseases.
Gahete, Manuel, José Córdoba-Chacón, Chike Anadumaka, Qing Lin, Jens Brüning, Ronald Kahn, Raúl Luque, and Rhonda Kineman. (2011) 2011. “Elevated GH/IGF-I, due to somatotrope-specific loss of both IGF-I and insulin receptors, alters glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity in a diet-dependent manner”. Endocrinology 152 (12): 4825-37.
A unique mouse model was developed with elevated endogenous GH (2- to 3-fold) and IGF-I (1.2- to 1.4-fold), due to somatotrope-specific Cre-mediated inactivation of IGF-I receptor (IgfIr) and insulin receptor (Insr) genes (IgfIr,Insr(rGHpCre), referred to as HiGH mice). We demonstrate that the metabolic phenotype of HiGH mice is diet dependent and differs from that observed in other mouse models of GH excess due to ectopic heterologous transgene expression or pituitary tumor formation. Elevated endogenous GH promotes lean mass and whole-body lipid oxidation but has minimal effects on adiposity, even in response to diet-induced obesity. When caloric intake is moderated, elevated GH improves glucose clearance, despite low/normal insulin sensitivity, which may be explained in part by enhanced IGF-I and insulin output. However, when caloric intake is in excess, elevated GH promotes hepatic lipid accumulation, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and ketosis. The HiGH mouse model represents a useful tool to study the role endogenous circulating GH levels play in regulating health and disease.
Lee, Kevin, Stephane Gesta, Jeremie Boucher, Xiaohui Wang, and Ronald Kahn. 2011. “The differential role of Hif1β/Arnt and the hypoxic response in adipose function, fibrosis, and inflammation”. Cell Metab 14 (4): 491-503.
In obesity, adipocytes distant from vasculature become hypoxic and dysfunctional. This hypoxic response is mediated by hypoxia-inducible factors (Hif1α, Hif2α, and Hif3α) and their obligate partner, Hif1β (Arnt). We show that mice lacking Hif1β in fat (FH1βKO) are lean, exhibit reduced adipocyte size, and are protected from age- and diet-induced glucose intolerance. There is also reduced Vegf and vascular permeability in FH1βKO fat, but diet-induced inflammation and fibrosis is unchanged. Adipocytes from FH1βKO mice have reduced glucose uptake due to decreased Glut1 and Glut4, which is mirrored in 3T3-L1 adipocytes with Hif1β knockdown. Hif1β knockdown cells also fail to respond appropriately to hypoxia with reduced cellular respiration and reduced mitochondrial gene expression. Some, but not all, of these effects are reproduced by Hif1α knockdown. Thus, Hif1β/Arnt regulates glucose uptake, mitochondrial gene expression, and vascular permeability to control adipose mass and function, providing a target for obesity therapy.
Jing, Enxuan, Brice Emanuelli, Matthew Hirschey, Jeremie Boucher, Kevin Lee, David Lombard, Eric Verdin, and Ronald Kahn. 2011. “Sirtuin-3 (Sirt3) regulates skeletal muscle metabolism and insulin signaling via altered mitochondrial oxidation and reactive oxygen species production”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108 (35): 14608-13.
Sirt3 is a member of the sirtuin family of protein deacetylases that is localized in mitochondria and regulates mitochondrial function. Sirt3 expression in skeletal muscle is decreased in models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and regulated by feeding, fasting, and caloric restriction. Sirt3 knockout mice exhibit decreased oxygen consumption and develop oxidative stress in skeletal muscle, leading to JNK activation and impaired insulin signaling. This effect is mimicked by knockdown of Sirt3 in cultured myoblasts, which exhibit reduced mitochondrial oxidation, increased reactive oxygen species, activation of JNK, increased serine and decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1, and decreased insulin signaling. Thus, Sirt3 plays an important role in diabetes through regulation of mitochondrial oxidation, reactive oxygen species production, and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.
Hirschey, Matthew, Tadahiro Shimazu, Enxuan Jing, Carrie Grueter, Amy Collins, Bradley Aouizerat, Alena Stančáková, et al. 2011. “SIRT3 deficiency and mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation accelerate the development of the metabolic syndrome”. Mol Cell 44 (2): 177-90.
Acetylation is increasingly recognized as an important metabolic regulatory posttranslational protein modification, yet the metabolic consequence of mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation is unknown. We find that high-fat diet (HFD) feeding induces hepatic mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation in mice and downregulation of the major mitochondrial protein deacetylase SIRT3. Mice lacking SIRT3 (SIRT3KO) placed on a HFD show accelerated obesity, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, and steatohepatitis compared to wild-type (WT) mice. The lipogenic enzyme stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 is highly induced in SIRT3KO mice, and its deletion rescues both WT and SIRT3KO mice from HFD-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. We further identify a single nucleotide polymorphism in the human SIRT3 gene that is suggestive of a genetic association with the metabolic syndrome. This polymorphism encodes a point mutation in the SIRT3 protein, which reduces its overall enzymatic efficiency. Our findings show that loss of SIRT3 and dysregulation of mitochondrial protein acetylation contribute to the metabolic syndrome.
Sun, Lei, Huangming Xie, Marcelo Mori, Ryan Alexander, Bingbing Yuan, Shilpa Hattangadi, Qingqing Liu, Ronald Kahn, and Harvey Lodish. 2011. “Mir193b-365 is essential for brown fat differentiation”. Nat Cell Biol 13 (8): 958-65.
Mammals have two principal types of fat. White adipose tissue primarily serves to store extra energy as triglycerides, whereas brown adipose tissue is specialized to burn lipids for heat generation and energy expenditure as a defence against cold and obesity. Recent studies have demonstrated that brown adipocytes arise in vivo from a Myf5-positive, myoblastic progenitor by the action of Prdm16 (PR domain containing 16). Here, we identified a brown-fat-enriched miRNA cluster, MiR-193b-365, as a key regulator of brown fat development. Blocking miR-193b and/or miR-365 in primary brown preadipocytes markedly impaired brown adipocyte adipogenesis by enhancing Runx1t1 (runt-related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1) expression, whereas myogenic markers were significantly induced. Forced expression of Mir193b and/or Mir365 in C2C12 myoblasts blocked the entire programme of myogenesis, and, in adipogenic conditions, miR-193b induced myoblasts to differentiate into brown adipocytes. Mir193b-365 was upregulated by Prdm16 partially through Pparα. Our results demonstrate that Mir193b-365 serves as an essential regulator for brown fat differentiation, in part by repressing myogenesis.
Macotela, Yazmin, Brice Emanuelli, Anneli Bång, Daniel Espinoza, Jeremie Boucher, Kirk Beebe, Walter Gall, and Ronald Kahn. (2011) 2011. “Dietary leucine--an environmental modifier of insulin resistance acting on multiple levels of metabolism”. PLoS One 6 (6): e21187.
Environmental factors, such as the macronutrient composition of the diet, can have a profound impact on risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. In the present study we demonstrate how a single, simple dietary factor--leucine--can modify insulin resistance by acting on multiple tissues and at multiple levels of metabolism. Mice were placed on a normal or high fat diet (HFD). Dietary leucine was doubled by addition to the drinking water. mRNA, protein and complete metabolomic profiles were assessed in the major insulin sensitive tissues and serum, and correlated with changes in glucose homeostasis and insulin signaling. After 8 weeks on HFD, mice developed obesity, fatty liver, inflammatory changes in adipose tissue and insulin resistance at the level of IRS-1 phosphorylation, as well as alterations in metabolomic profile of amino acid metabolites, TCA cycle intermediates, glucose and cholesterol metabolites, and fatty acids in liver, muscle, fat and serum. Doubling dietary leucine reversed many of the metabolite abnormalities and caused a marked improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin signaling without altering food intake or weight gain. Increased dietary leucine was also associated with a decrease in hepatic steatosis and a decrease in inflammation in adipose tissue. These changes occurred despite an increase in insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of p70S6 kinase indicating enhanced activation of mTOR, a phenomenon normally associated with insulin resistance. These data indicate that modest changes in a single environmental/nutrient factor can modify multiple metabolic and signaling pathways and modify HFD induced metabolic syndrome by acting at a systemic level on multiple tissues. These data also suggest that increasing dietary leucine may provide an adjunct in the management of obesity-related insulin resistance.
Bezy, Olivier, Thien Tran, Jussi Pihlajamäki, Ryo Suzuki, Brice Emanuelli, Jonathan Winnay, Marcelo Mori, et al. (2011) 2011. “PKCδ regulates hepatic insulin sensitivity and hepatosteatosis in mice and humans”. J Clin Invest 121 (6): 2504-17.
C57BL/6J and 129S6/Sv (B6 and 129) mice differ dramatically in their susceptibility to developing diabetes in response to diet- or genetically induced insulin resistance. A major locus contributing to this difference has been mapped to a region on mouse chromosome 14 that contains the gene encoding PKCδ. Here, we found that PKCδ expression in liver was 2-fold higher in B6 versus 129 mice from birth and was further increased in B6 but not 129 mice in response to a high-fat diet. PRKCD gene expression was also elevated in obese humans and was positively correlated with fasting glucose and circulating triglycerides. Mice with global or liver-specific inactivation of the Prkcd gene displayed increased hepatic insulin signaling and reduced expression of gluconeogenic and lipogenic enzymes. This resulted in increased insulin-induced suppression of hepatic gluconeogenesis, improved glucose tolerance, and reduced hepatosteatosis with aging. Conversely, mice with liver-specific overexpression of PKCδ developed hepatic insulin resistance characterized by decreased insulin signaling, enhanced lipogenic gene expression, and hepatosteatosis. Therefore, changes in the expression and regulation of PKCδ between strains of mice and in obese humans play an important role in the genetic risk of hepatic insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and hepatosteatosis; and thus PKCδ may be a potential target in the treatment of metabolic syndrome.