A guide to analysis of mouse energy metabolism

Tschöp, Matthias, John Speakman, Jonathan Arch, Johan Auwerx, Jens Brüning, Lawrence Chan, Robert Eckel, et al. 2011. “A guide to analysis of mouse energy metabolism”. Nat Methods 9 (1): 57-63.


We present a consolidated view of the complexity and challenges of designing studies for measurement of energy metabolism in mouse models, including a practical guide to the assessment of energy expenditure, energy intake and body composition and statistical analysis thereof. We hope this guide will facilitate comparisons across studies and minimize spurious interpretations of data. We recommend that division of energy expenditure data by either body weight or lean body weight and that presentation of group effects as histograms should be replaced by plotting individual data and analyzing both group and body-composition effects using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
Last updated on 03/08/2023