SIRT3 deficiency and mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation accelerate the development of the metabolic syndrome

Hirschey, Matthew, Tadahiro Shimazu, Enxuan Jing, Carrie Grueter, Amy Collins, Bradley Aouizerat, Alena Stančáková, et al. 2011. “SIRT3 deficiency and mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation accelerate the development of the metabolic syndrome”. Mol Cell 44 (2): 177-90.


Acetylation is increasingly recognized as an important metabolic regulatory posttranslational protein modification, yet the metabolic consequence of mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation is unknown. We find that high-fat diet (HFD) feeding induces hepatic mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation in mice and downregulation of the major mitochondrial protein deacetylase SIRT3. Mice lacking SIRT3 (SIRT3KO) placed on a HFD show accelerated obesity, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, and steatohepatitis compared to wild-type (WT) mice. The lipogenic enzyme stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 is highly induced in SIRT3KO mice, and its deletion rescues both WT and SIRT3KO mice from HFD-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. We further identify a single nucleotide polymorphism in the human SIRT3 gene that is suggestive of a genetic association with the metabolic syndrome. This polymorphism encodes a point mutation in the SIRT3 protein, which reduces its overall enzymatic efficiency. Our findings show that loss of SIRT3 and dysregulation of mitochondrial protein acetylation contribute to the metabolic syndrome.
Last updated on 03/08/2023