Qiong L. Zhou, Ph.D.

Molecular Phenotyping and Genotyping Core Assistant Manager, October 2019-present

Qiong L. Zhou earned her PhD from King’s College, University of London. She is the Molecular Phenotyping & Genotyping Core Assistant Manager and Senior Research Assistant. The objective of the Molecular Phenotyping and Genotyping Core is to support Joslin and external investigators in the study of molecular mechanisms of disease by providing equipment, expertise, and services in molecular phenotyping, genetic, and genomic analyses. The Core provides services to enhance capacity for the study of molecular mechanisms of disease and include genetic characterization for clinical studies; bioenergetics and metabolic phenotyping; plasma proteomics, and digital genomics. You are welcome to visit the Core website and discover how we can support you in your next breakthrough experiment.


Statement of Purpose

Advanced technologies are the powerful force required to bring breakthrough results and make new discoveries. It’s an great honor to serve and contribute to diabetes and metabolic disease research by providing the most current and state-of-art technologies to the research community in the core. 


Fun Facts

Qiong enjoys cooking for her family and friends and, when she is not thinking about science, she reads the New York Times for entertainment or goes for a walk outside. 

Contact Information

p: 617-309-4794
Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm