

Tseng, Vicent, J. Zhu, Niu, Adeyinka, Moyers, Watson, and Kahn. 2001. “Regulation of growth and tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells by the low molecular weight GTPase Rad and nm23”. Cancer Res 61 (5): 2071-9.
Rad is the prototypic member of a family of novel Ras-related GTPases that is normally expressed in heart, skeletal muscle, and lung and that has been shown to exhibit a novel form of bi-directional interaction with the nm23 metastasis suppressor. In the present study, we have investigated the expression of Rad in normal and neoplastic breast tissues by Western blot and immunohistochemistry and the functional effect of altered Rad expression in breast cancer cell lines. We found that, although Rad is frequently expressed in normal breast tissue (23/30 Rad+ve), expression is usually lost in adjacent invasive carcinoma (8/30 Rad+ve; P 0.0001). However, where Rad expression persists in a small proportion of tumors, it is associated with higher grade, larger size, and extensive axillary nodal involvement (n = 48; P = 0.035, P = 0.016, P = 0.022, respectively). Furthermore, Rad is also highly expressed in a breast cancer cell line with high tumorigenic and metastatic potential (MDA-MB231). To further examine the role of Rad in breast cancer, we stably transfected a Rad-ve breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB435). We observed an increase in growth and marked increased colony formation in soft agar in vitro (P 0.05) and an increase in tumor growth rate in nude mice (P 0.05). Moreover, coexpression of nm23 with wild-type Rad inhibited the effect of Rad on growth of these cells in culture and markedly inhibited tumor growth in vivo. Additional transfection studies with mutated Rad cDNAs revealed that the growth-promoting effects of Rad appeared to be mediated through its NH2- and COOH-terminal regions, rather than its GTPase domain, and might involve acceleration of cell cycle transition. These findings suggest that Rad may act as an oncogenic protein in breast tissues and demonstrate a potential mechanism by which interaction between Rad and nm23 may regulate growth and tumorigenicity of breast cancer.
Valverde, Mur, Pons, Alvarez, White, Kahn, and Benito. (2001) 2001. “Association of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) y895 with Grb-2 mediates the insulin signaling involved in IRS-1-deficient brown adipocyte mitogenesis”. Mol Cell Biol 21 (7): 2269-80.
We have recently generated immortalized fetal brown adipocyte cell lines from insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) knockout mice and demonstrated an impairment in insulin-induced lipid synthesis as compared to wild-type cell lines. In this study, we investigated the consequences of IRS-1 deficiency on mitogenesis in response to insulin. The lack of IRS-1 resulted in the inability of insulin-stimulated IRS-1-deficient brown adipocytes to increase DNA synthesis and enter into S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle. These cells showed a severe impairment in activating mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK1/2) and p42-p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) upon insulin stimulation. IRS-1-deficient cells also lacked tyrosine phosphorylation of SHC and showed no SHC-Grb-2 association in response to insulin. The mitogenic response to insulin could be partially restored by enhancing IRS-2 tyrosine phosphorylation and its association with Grb-2 by inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity through a feedback mechanism. Reconstitution of IRS-1-deficient brown adipocytes with wild-type IRS-1 restored insulin-induced IRS-1 and SHC tyrosine phosphorylation and IRS-1-Grb-2, IRS-1-SHC, and SHC-Grb-2 associations, leading to the activation of MAPK and enhancement of DNA synthesis. Reconstitution of IRS-1-deficient brown adipocytes with the IRS-1 mutant Tyr895Phe, which lacks IRS-1-Grb-2 binding, restored SHC-IRS-1 association and SHC-Grb-2 association. However, the lack of IRS-1-Grb-2 association impaired MAPK activation and DNA synthesis in insulin-stimulated mutant cells. These data provide strong evidence for an essential role of IRS-1 and its direct association with Grb-2 in the insulin signaling pathway leading to MAPK activation and mitogenesis in brown adipocytes.
Reynet, and Kahn. 2001. “Unbalanced expression of the different subunits of elongation factor 1 in diabetic skeletal muscle”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98 (6): 3422-7.
In studies using subtraction cloning to screen for alterations in mRNA expression in skeletal muscle from humans with Type 2 diabetes mellitus and control subjects, one of the most prominent differences was in the mRNA for elongation factor (EF)-1alpha. With Northern blot analysis, EF-1alpha expression was enhanced by 2- to 6-fold in both Types 1 and 2 human diabetics. In contrast, no changes in expression of EF-1beta or -gamma were noted. We observed similar results in animal models of Type 1 diabetes. EF-1alpha expression, but not EF-1beta or -gamma expression, was also enhanced in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, and this effect was reversed by insulin treatment. An increased level of EF-1alpha mRNA was also observed in nonobese diabetic mice. This unbalanced regulation of the expression of the different subunits of EF-1 may contribute to alterations not only in protein synthesis but also in other cellular events observed in the diabetic state.
Fasshauer, Klein, Kriauciunas, Ueki, Benito, and Kahn. (2001) 2001. “Essential role of insulin receptor substrate 1 in differentiation of brown adipocytes”. Mol Cell Biol 21 (1): 319-29.
The most widely distributed members of the family of insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins are IRS-1 and IRS-2. These proteins participate in insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 signaling, as well as the actions of some cytokines, growth hormone, and prolactin. To more precisely define the specific role of IRS-1 in adipocyte biology, we established brown adipocyte cell lines from wild-type and IRS-1 knockout (KO) animals. Using differentiation protocols, both with and without insulin, preadipocyte cell lines derived from IRS-1 KO mice exhibited a marked decrease in differentiation and lipid accumulation (10 to 40%) compared to wild-type cells (90 to 100%). Furthermore, IRS-1 KO cells showed decreased expression of adipogenic marker proteins, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (C/EBPalpha), fatty acid synthase, uncoupling protein-1, and glucose transporter 4. The differentiation deficit in the KO cells could be reversed almost completely by retrovirus-mediated reexpression of IRS-1, PPARgamma, or C/EBPalpha but not the thiazolidinedione troglitazone. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) assays performed at various stages of the differentiation process revealed a strong and transient activation in IRS-1, IRS-2, and phosphotyrosine-associated PI 3-kinase in the wild-type cells, whereas the IRS-1 KO cells showed impaired phosphotyrosine-associated PI 3-kinase activation, all of which was associated with IRS-2. Akt phosphorylation was reduced in parallel with the total PI 3-kinase activity. Inhibition of PI 3-kinase with LY294002 blocked differentiation of wild-type cells. Thus, IRS-1 appears to be an important mediator of brown adipocyte maturation. Furthermore, this signaling molecule appears to exert its unique role in the differentiation process via activation of PI 3-kinase and its downstream target, Akt, and is upstream of the effects of PPARgamma and C/EBPalpha.
Tsuruzoe, Emkey, Kriauciunas, Ueki, and Kahn. (2001) 2001. “Insulin receptor substrate 3 (IRS-3) and IRS-4 impair IRS-1- and IRS-2-mediated signaling”. Mol Cell Biol 21 (1): 26-38.
To investigate the roles of insulin receptor substrate 3 (IRS-3) and IRS-4 in the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling cascade, we introduced these proteins into 3T3 embryonic fibroblast cell lines prepared from wild-type (WT) and IRS-1 knockout (KO) mice by using a retroviral system. Following transduction of IRS-3 or IRS-4, the cells showed a significant decrease in IRS-2 mRNA and protein levels without any change in the IRS-1 protein level. In these cell lines, IGF-1 caused the rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of all four IRS proteins. However, IRS-3- or IRS-4-expressing cells also showed a marked decrease in IRS-1 and IRS-2 phosphorylation compared to the host cells. This decrease was accounted for in part by a decrease in the level of IRS-2 protein but occurred with no significant change in the IRS-1 protein level. IRS-3- or IRS-4-overexpressing cells showed an increase in basal phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and basal Akt phosphorylation, while the IGF-1-stimulated levels correlated well with total tyrosine phosphorylation level of all IRS proteins in each cell line. IRS-3 expression in WT cells also caused an increase in IGF-1-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation and egr-1 expression ( approximately 1.8- and approximately 2.4-fold with respect to WT). In the IRS-1 KO cells, the impaired mitogenic response to IGF-1 was reconstituted with IRS-1 to supranormal levels and was returned to almost normal by IRS-2 or IRS-3 but was not improved by overexpression of IRS-4. These data suggest that IRS-3 and IRS-4 may act as negative regulators of the IGF-1 signaling pathway by suppressing the function of other IRS proteins at several steps.
Magré, Delépine, Khallouf, Gedde-Dahl, Van Maldergem, Sobel, Papp, et al. (2001) 2001. “Identification of the gene altered in Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy on chromosome 11q13”. Nat Genet 28 (4): 365-70.
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy, or Berardinelli-Seip syndrome (BSCL), is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by a near-absence of adipose tissue from birth or early infancy and severe insulin resistance. Other clinical and biological features include acanthosis nigricans, hyperandrogenism, muscular hypertrophy, hepatomegaly, altered glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus, and hypertriglyceridemia. A locus (BSCL1) has been mapped to 9q34 with evidence of heterogeneity. Here, we report a genome screen of nine BSCL families from two geographical clusters (in Lebanon and Norway). We identified a new disease locus, designated BSCL2, within the 2.5-Mb interval flanked by markers D11S4076 and D11S480 on chromosome 11q13. Analysis of 20 additional families of various ethnic origins led to the identification of 11 families in which the disease cosegregates with the 11q13 locus; the remaining families provide confirmation of linkage to 9q34. Sequence analysis of genes located in the 11q13 interval disclosed mutations in a gene homologous to the murine guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein), gamma3-linked gene (Gng3lg) in all BSCL2-linked families. BSCL2 is most highly expressed in brain and testis and encodes a protein (which we have called seipin) of unknown function. Most of the variants are null mutations and probably result in a severe disruption of the protein. These findings are of general importance for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation of body fat distribution and insulin resistance.
Leibiger, Leibiger, Moede, Kemper, Kulkarni, Kahn, Vargas, and Berggren. (2001) 2001. “Selective insulin signaling through A and B insulin receptors regulates transcription of insulin and glucokinase genes in pancreatic beta cells”. Mol Cell 7 (3): 559-70.
Insulin signaling is mediated by a complex network of diverging and converging pathways, with alternative proteins and isoforms at almost every step in the process. We show here that insulin activates the transcription of its own gene and that of the beta cell glucokinase gene (betaGK) by different mechanisms. Whereas insulin gene transcription is promoted by signaling through insulin receptor A type (Ex11-), PI3K class Ia, and p70s6k, insulin stimulates the betaGK gene by signaling via insulin receptor B type (Ex11+), PI3K class II-like activity, and PKB (c-Akt). Our data provide evidence for selectivity in insulin action via the two isoforms of the insulin receptor, the molecular basis being preferential signaling through different PI3K and protein kinases.
Kim, Zisman, Fillmore, Peroni, Kotani, Perret, Zong, et al. (2001) 2001. “Glucose toxicity and the development of diabetes in mice with muscle-specific inactivation of GLUT4”. J Clin Invest 108 (1): 153-60.
Using cre/loxP gene targeting, transgenic mice with muscle-specific inactivation of the GLUT4 gene (muscle GLUT4 KO) were generated and shown to develop a diabetes phenotype. To determine the mechanism, we examined insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and metabolism during hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp in control and muscle GLUT4 KO mice before and after development of diabetes. Insulin-stimulated whole body glucose uptake was decreased by 55% in muscle GLUT4 KO mice, an effect that could be attributed to a 92% decrease in insulin-stimulated muscle glucose uptake. Surprisingly, insulin's ability to stimulate adipose tissue glucose uptake and suppress hepatic glucose production was significantly impaired in muscle GLUT4 KO mice. To address whether these latter changes were caused by glucose toxicity, we treated muscle GLUT4 KO mice with phloridzin to prevent hyperglycemia and found that insulin-stimulated whole body and skeletal muscle glucose uptake were decreased substantially, whereas insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in adipose tissue and suppression of hepatic glucose production were normal after phloridzin treatment. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that a primary defect in muscle glucose transport can lead to secondary defects in insulin action in adipose tissue and liver due to glucose toxicity. These secondary defects contribute to insulin resistance and to the development of diabetes.
Dumke, Wetter, Arias, Kahn, and Cartee. (2001) 2001. “Absence of insulin receptor substrate-1 expression does not alter GLUT1 or GLUT4 abundance or contraction-stimulated glucose uptake by mouse skeletal muscle”. Horm Metab Res 33 (12): 696-700.
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) expression on GLUT1 and GLUT4 glucose transporter protein abundance, contraction-stimulated glucose uptake, and contraction-induced glycogen depletion by skeletal muscle. Mice (6 months old) from three genotypes were studied: wild-type (IRS-1(+/+)), heterozygous (IRS-1(+/-)) for the null allele, and IRS-1 knockouts (IRS-1(-/-)) lacking a functional IRS-1 gene. In situ muscle contraction was induced (electrical stimulation of sciatic nerve) in one hindlimb using contralateral muscles as controls. Soleus and extensor digitorum longus were dissected and 2-deoxyglucose uptake was measured in vitro. 2-Deoxyglucose uptake was higher in basal muscles (no contractions) from IRS-1(-/-) vs. both other genotypes. Contraction-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake and glycogen depletion did not differ among genotypes. Muscle IRS-1 protein was undetectable for IRS-1(-/-) mice, and values were approximately 40 % lower in IRS-1(+/-) than in IRS-1(+/+) mice. No difference was found in IRS-1(+/+) compared to IRS-1(-/-) groups regarding muscle abundance of GLUT1 and GLUT4. Substantial reduction or elimination of IRS-1 did not alter the hallmark effects of contractions on muscle carbohydrate metabolism--activation of glucose uptake and glycogen depletion.