Severe insulin resistance alters metabolism in mesenchymal progenitor cells

Balhara, Bharti, Alison Burkart, Vehap Topcu, Youn-Kyoung Lee, Chad Cowan, Ronald Kahn, and Mary-Elizabeth Patti. 2015. “Severe insulin resistance alters metabolism in mesenchymal progenitor cells”. Endocrinology 156 (6): 2039-48.


Donohue syndrome (DS) is characterized by severe insulin resistance due to mutations in the insulin receptor (INSR) gene. To identify molecular defects contributing to metabolic dysregulation in DS in the undifferentiated state, we generated mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from a 4-week-old female with DS and a healthy newborn male (control). INSR mRNA and protein were significantly reduced in DS MPC (for β-subunit, 64% and 89% reduction, respectively, P .05), but IGF1R mRNA and protein did not differ vs control. Insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of INSR or the downstream substrates insulin receptor substrate 1 and protein kinase B did not differ, but ERK phosphorylation tended to be reduced in DS (32% decrease, P = .07). By contrast, IGF-1 and insulin-stimulated insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor phosphorylation were increased in DS (IGF-1, 8.5- vs 4.5-fold increase; INS, 11- vs 6-fold; P .05). DS MPC tended to have higher oxygen consumption in both the basal state (87% higher, P =.09) and in response to the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide-p-triflouromethoxyphenylhydrazone (2-fold increase, P =.06). Although mitochondrial DNA or mass did not differ, oxidative phosphorylation protein complexes III and V were increased in DS (by 37% and 6%, respectively; P .05). Extracellular acidification also tended to increase in DS (91% increase, P = .07), with parallel significant increases in lactate secretion (34% higher at 4 h, P .05). In summary, DS MPC maintain signaling downstream of the INSR, suggesting that IGF-1R signaling may partly compensate for INSR mutations. However, alterations in receptor expression and pathway-specific defects in insulin signaling, even in undifferentiated cells, can alter cellular oxidative metabolism, potentially via transcriptional mechanisms.
Last updated on 03/08/2023