

Wilden, Kahn, Siddle, and White. 1992. “Insulin receptor kinase domain autophosphorylation regulates receptor enzymatic function”. J Biol Chem 267 (23): 16660-8.
We have studied a series of insulin receptor molecules in which the 3 tyrosine residues which undergo autophosphorylation in the kinase domain of the beta-subunit (Tyr1158, Tyr1162, and Tyr1163) were replaced individually, in pairs, or all together with phenylalanine or serine by in vitro mutagenesis. A single-Phe replacement at each of these three positions reduced insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation of solubilized receptor by 45-60% of that observed with wild-type receptor. The double-Phe replacements showed a 60-70% reduction, and substitution of all 3 tyrosine residues with Phe or Ser reduced insulin-stimulated tyrosine autophosphorylation by greater than 80%. Phosphopeptide mapping each mutant revealed that all remaining tyrosine autophosphorylation sites were phosphorylated normally following insulin stimulation, and no new sites appeared. The single-Phe mutants showed insulin-stimulated kinase activity toward a synthetic peptide substrate of 50-75% when compared with wild-type receptor kinase activity. Insulin-stimulated kinase activity was further reduced in the double-Phe mutants and barely detectable in the triple-Phe mutants. In contrast to the wild-type receptor, all of the mutant receptor kinases showed a significant reduction in activation following in vitro insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation. When studied in intact Chinese hamster ovary cells, insulin-stimulated receptor autophosphorylation and tyrosine phosphorylation of the cellular substrate pp185 in the single-Phe and double-Phe mutants was progressively lower with increased tyrosine replacement and did not exceed the basal levels in the triple-Phe mutants. However, all the mutant receptors, including the triple-Phe mutant, retained the ability to undergo insulin-stimulated Ser and Thr phosphorylation. Thus, full activation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase is dependent on insulin-stimulated Tris phosphorylation of the kinase domain, and the level of autophosphorylation in the kinase domain provides a mechanism for modulating insulin receptor kinase activity following insulin stimulation. By contrast, insulin stimulation of receptor phosphorylation on Ser and Thr residues by cellular serine/threonine kinases can occur despite markedly reduced tyrosine autophosphorylation.
The role of specific tyrosine autophosphorylation sites in the human insulin receptor kinase domain (Tyr1158, Tyr1162, and Tyr1163) was analyzed using in vitro mutagenesis to replace tyrosine residues individually or in combination. Each of the three single-Phe, the three possible double-Phe a triple-Phe and a triple-Ser mutant receptors, stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, were compared with the wild-type receptor in their ability to mediate stimulation of receptor kinase activity, glycogen synthesis, and DNA synthesis by insulin or the human-specific anti-receptor monoclonal antibody 83-14. At a concentration of 0.1 nM insulin which produced approximately half-maximal responses with wild-type receptor, DNA synthesis and glycogen synthesis mediated by the three single-Phe mutants ranged from 52 to 88% and from 32 to 79% of the wild-type receptor, respectively. The corresponding figures for the double-Phe mutants averaged 15 and 6%, whereas the triple-mutants were unresponsive in both assays. The level of biological function approximately paralleled the insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity in the intact cell as estimated by tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and its endogenous substrate pp 185/IRS-1. Interestingly, all mutants showed a marked decrease in insulin-stimulated receptor internalization. Anti-receptor antibody stimulated receptor kinase activity and mimicked insulin action in these cells. In general, the impairment of the metabolic response was greater and impairment of the growth response was less when antibody was the stimulus. These experiments show that the level and specific sites of autophosphorylation are critical determinants of receptor function. The data are consistent with a requirement for the receptor tyrosine kinase either as an obligatory step or a modulator, in both metabolic and growth responses, and demonstrate the important role of the level of insulin receptor kinase domain autophosphorylation in regulating insulin sensitivity.
To examine the role of the transmembrane domain (TM) of the insulin receptor in insulin-induced receptor kinase activation, we prepared four mutated insulin receptors: 1) a Val938----Asp substitution (IR/TMv----D), 2) insertion of a 3-amino acid repeat (Val938-Phe939-Leu940) (IR/TM+3), or the entire TM was replaced by the corresponding domain of either the 3) platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor (IR/TMPDGFR) or 4) c-neu/erbB2 proto-oncogene product (IR/TMc-neu). Each mutant receptor was stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, assessed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, insulin binding, and biosynthetic labeling. All mutant receptors exhibited normal affinity for insulin. Pulse-chase experiments showed that each proreceptor was processed into alpha- and beta-subunits, although the rate of IR/TMV----D conversion was reduced approximately 3-fold. With IR/TMPDGFR, IR/TMV----D, and IR/TM+3 basal and insulin-stimulated levels of autophosphorylation and tyrosine kinase activation were normal, both in wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-purified receptor preparations and intact cells. By contrast, following WGA purification or isolation of crude membranes, IR/TMc-neu was a constitutively active autokinase and substrate kinase in vitro. However, in intact cells insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation and kinase activity appeared normal. We conclude that although there is considerable latitude in acceptable structure, residues within the insulin receptor transmembrane domain can play a functional role in regulation of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity.
Pedersen, Kahn, and Kahn. (1992) 1992. “Divergent regulation of the Glut 1 and Glut 4 glucose transporters in isolated adipocytes from Zucker rats”. J Clin Invest 89 (6): 1964-73.
We have studied the relationship between glucose uptake rate and Glut 1 and Glut 4 protein and mRNA levels per fat cell in lean (FA/FA) and obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats at 5, 10, and 20 wk of age, and after induction of acute diabetes with streptozotocin. 5 wk obese rats exhibit insulin hyperresponsive glucose uptake, whereas 20 wk obese rats show insulin resistant glucose uptake. The relative abundance of Glut 1 and Glut 4 mRNA and protein per equal amount of total RNA and total membrane protein, respectively, is lower in adipocytes from obese rats. However, at all ages the enlargement of fat cells from obese rats is accompanied by a severalfold increase in total RNA and total membrane protein per cell. Thus, on a cellular basis, mRNA and protein levels of Glut 4 increases in young obese rats and gradually declines as a function of age. Basal glucose uptake is increased severalfold in fat cells from obese rats, and in parallel Glut 1 expression per cell in obese rats is two- to threefold increased over lean rats at all ages. Acute diabetes in 20 wk obese rats causes a profound downregulation of glucose uptake and a concomitant reduction of both Glut 1 and Glut 4 protein levels. Thus, changes in Glut 4 expression are a major cause of alteration in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake of adipocytes during evolution of obesity and diabetes in Zucker rats.
We have investigated the structural and functional properties of two mutant insulin receptors in which Cys647 and Cys682,683,685 have been replaced with Ser (IRS647 and IRS682,683,685, respectively). Compared with the wild-type receptor (IRWT), both mutant receptors displayed altered sensitivities to dithiothreitol with respect to insulin binding and reduction of oligomeric forms. Subunit composition of the oligomeric forms of the receptors as determined by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 125I-labeled receptors indicated that Cys682,683,685 are required for normal heterotetrameric structure and that Cys647 plays a major role in the normal covalent association of the alpha- and beta-subunits. Under nonreducing conditions, the affinity-labeled IRS647 migrated, almost exclusively, as a 230-kDa species which appeared to represent an alpha 2 form of the receptor. Furthermore, Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing IRS647 did not exhibit basal or insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation, suggesting that Cys647 is also required for signal transduction.
Goldstein, Zhang, Hashimoto, and Kahn. 1992. “Approaches to the molecular cloning of protein-tyrosine phosphatases in insulin-sensitive tissues”. Mol Cell Biochem 109 (2): 107-13.
The intrinsic tyrosyl kinase activity of the insulin receptor is regulated by a balance between insulin-induced receptor autophosphorylation, which stimulates the receptor kinase, and enzymatic dephosphorylation of the receptor, which deactivates its kinase activity. The cellular protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) enzymes responsible for reversing the activated state of the insulin receptor have not been characterized. Our laboratory is interested in identifying and cloning the specific PTPase(s) that regulate the phosphorylation state of the insulin receptor. This chapter will summarize the design and results of our initial molecular cloning studies to identify specific PTPases in insulin-sensitive tissues that may have a potential physiological role in insulin action and clinical insulin resistance.
Zoppini, and Kahn. (1992) 1992. “Effect of phospholipase treatment on insulin receptor signal transduction”. Diabetologia 35 (2): 109-15.
To study the role of membrane lipids in signal transduction by the insulin receptor, we have studied the effect of phospholipase C (Clostridium perfringens) and a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase (Staphylococcus aureus) on insulin binding, a function of the alpha-subunit, and tyrosine kinase activity, a function of the beta-subunit in IM-9 lymphocytes and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts transfected with the human insulin receptor. Treatment of the cells with phospholipase C at concentrations up to 3.4 U/ml did not affect specific insulin binding, but reduced insulin-stimulated receptor phosphorylation by 50%. This effect of phospholipase C was observed within 10 min of treatment and occurred with no change in the basal level of phosphorylation. Pre-treatment of cells with insulin for 5 min prior to enzyme addition prevented any change in kinase activity. Insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of pp 185, the presumed endogenous substrate for the insulin receptor kinase, was also reduced following phospholipase C treatment, with an almost complete loss of insulin stimulation after exposure of cells to enzyme at concentrations as low as 0.6 U/ml. In contrast to these effects of phospholipase C on intact cells, receptor autophosphorylation was not affected in insulin receptors purified on wheat germ agglutinin-agarose from phospholipase C treated cells. Likewise, the phospholipase C effect was reduced by the addition of phosphatidylcholine, but not by the addition of the protease inhibitors, aprotinin and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, to the incubation indicating its dependence on phospholipid hydrolysis. Treatment of cells with the phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C did not affect any of the parameters studied.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Backer, Schroeder, Kahn, Myers, Wilden, Cahill, and White. 1992. “Insulin stimulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity maps to insulin receptor regions required for endogenous substrate phosphorylation”. J Biol Chem 267 (2): 1367-74.
We have studied the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PtdIns 3-kinase) in insulin-stimulated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing normal (CHO/IR) and mutant human insulin receptors. Insulin stimulation of CHO/IR cells results in an increase in PtdIns 3-kinase activity associated with anti-phosphotyrosine (alpha PY) immunoprecipitates, which has been previously shown to correlate with the in vivo production of PtdIns(3,4)P2, and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 (Ruderman, N., Kapeller, R., White, M.F., and Cantley, L.C. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 1411-1415). Stimulation was maximal within 1 min and showed a dose response identical to that of insulin receptor autophosphorylation. The PtdIns 3-kinase also associated with the insulin receptor in an insulin-stimulated manner, as approximately 50% of the total alpha PY-precipitable activity could be specifically immunoprecipitated with anti-insulin receptor antibody. Mutant insulin receptors displayed variable ability to stimulate the PtdIns 3-kinase, but in all cases the presence of PtdIns 3-kinase in alpha PY immunoprecipitates correlated closely with the tyrosyl phosphorylation of the endogenous substrate pp185. In CHO cells expressing a kinase-deficient mutant (IRA1018), there was no observable insulin stimulation of PtdIns 3-kinase activity in alpha PY immunoprecipitates and no tyrosyl phosphorylation of pp185. Substitution of Tyr1146 in the insulin receptor regulatory region with phenylalanine partially impaired receptor autophosphorylation, pp185 phosphorylation, and insulin-stimulated increases in alpha PY-precipitable PtdIns 3-kinase activity. In contrast, a deletion mutant lacking 12 amino acids from the juxtamembrane region (IR delta 960) displayed normal in vivo autophosphorylation but failed to stimulate the PtdIns 3-kinase or phosphorylate pp185. Finally, a mutant receptor from which the C-terminal 43 amino acids had been deleted (IR delta CT) exhibited normal insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation, pp185 phosphorylation, and stimulation of the PtdIns 3-kinase activity in alpha PY immunoprecipitates. These data suggest that the PtdIns 3-kinase is itself a substrate of the insulin receptor kinase or associates preferentially with a substrate. A comparison of the biological activities of the mutant receptors with their activation of the PtdIns 3-kinase furthermore suggests that the PtdIns 3-kinase may be linked to insulin's ability to regulate DNA synthesis and cell growth.
Hauguel-DeMouzon, Csermely, Zoppini, and Kahn. (1992) 1992. “Quantitative dissociation between EGF effects on c-myc and c-fos gene expression, DNA synthesis, and epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase activity”. J Cell Physiol 150 (1): 180-7.
The exact relationship between EGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation, induction of the cellular proto-oncogenes c-myc and c-fos, and DNA synthesis remains uncertain. Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells possess EGF receptor sites with high binding capacity, and in contrast to A431 cells, respond to EGF by increasing DNA synthesis. Following EGF stimulation of intact MDCK cells, there was a rapid and marked increase in the autophosphorylation of the EGF receptor. This was associated with an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 120 kDa phosphoprotein believed to be an endogenous substrate of this receptor kinase. The ED50 for stimulation of phosphorylation of pp120 was approximately 0.05 nM versus 1.0 nM for receptor autophosphorylation, consistent with amplification of signalling at this step in EGF action. Stimulation of DNA synthesis occurred after 12 to 24 hours and revealed even further amplification with an ED50 of about 0.1 nM. Intermediate between these events was a time-dependent activation of c-fos and c-myc gene expression. However, the ED50 for these processes was approximately 10 nM, indicating a relatively lower sensitivity of EGF for stimulation of proto-oncogene expression. Tyrphostin (RG 50864), a compound reported to inhibit specifically the EGF receptor kinase, completely blocked EGF stimulation of proto-oncogene induction. Interestingly, under the same experimental conditions, EGF receptor autophosphorylation was decreased only 60%. These data, along with the dose-response studies, indicate that proto-oncogene induction requires near maximal stimulation of EGF receptor autophosphorylation. They also suggest that, in MDCK cells, the EGF dependent induction of the c-fos and c-myc genes is not strictly correlated to the extent of EGF receptor autophosphorylation or EGF-stimulated DNA synthesis, and that EGF stimulation of DNA synthesis likely involves additional rate-limiting intermediate steps.


Müller-Wieland, White, Behnke, Gebhardt, Neumann, Krone, and Kahn. 1991. “Pertussis toxin inhibits autophosphorylation and activation of the insulin receptor kinase”. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 181 (3): 1479-85.
Pertussis toxin is an ADP-ribosyltransferase which alters the function of some of the GTP-binding proteins and inhibits some actions of insulin. In vivo, pertussis toxin (2 micrograms/ml/2h) inhibited insulin-stimulated tyrosyl autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor by 50% in FaO cells, and nearly completely inhibited phosphorylation of the cellular insulin receptor substrate pp185. Similarly, insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation and kinase activity of the insulin receptor purified on wheat germ agglutinin-agarose from pertussis toxin-treated FaO cells was diminished 50%; however, treatment of cells with the catalytically inactive B-oligomer of the toxin had no effect on receptor tyrosine kinase activity in vitro. Pertussis toxin did not alter insulin binding or the cellular levels of ATP, cAMP, and cGMP. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation of the insulin receptor from intact cells with anti-insulin receptor antibodies showed that pertussis toxin did not increase the phosphorylation of serine or threonine residues in the insulin receptor. These results suggest that pertussis toxin can modulate signal transduction of insulin at the level of the insulin receptor kinase.