

Goldfine, Allison, Clara Bouche, Robert Parker, Caroline Kim, Amy Kerivan, Stuart Soeldner, Blaise Martin, James Warram, and Ronald Kahn. 2003. “Insulin resistance is a poor predictor of type 2 diabetes in individuals with no family history of disease”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100 (5): 2724-9.
In normoglycemic offspring of two type 2 diabetic parents, low insulin sensitivity (S(I)) and low insulin-independent glucose effectiveness (S(G)) predict the development of diabetes one to two decades later. To determine whether low S(I), low S(G,) or low acute insulin response to glucose are predictive of diabetes in a population at low genetic risk for disease, 181 normoglycemic individuals with no family history of diabetes (FH-) and 150 normoglycemic offspring of two type 2 diabetic parents (FH+) underwent i.v. glucose tolerance testing (IVGTT) between the years 1964-82. During 25 +/- 6 years follow-up, comprising 2,758 person years, the FH- cohort (54 +/- 9 years) had an age-adjusted incidence rate of type 2 diabetes of 1.8 per 1,000 person years, similar to that in other population-based studies, but significantly lower than 16.7 for the FH+ cohort. Even when the two study populations were subdivided by initial values of S(I) and S(G) derived from IVGTT's performed at study entry, there was a 10- to 20-fold difference in age-adjusted incidence rates for diabetes in the FH- vs. FH+ individuals with low S(I) and low S(G). The acute insulin response to glucose was not predictive of the development of diabetes when considered independently or when assessed as a function of S(I), i.e., the glucose disposition index. These data demonstrate that low glucose disposal rates are robustly associated with the development of diabetes in the FH+ individuals, but insulin resistance per se is not sufficient for the development of diabetes in individuals without family history of disease and strongly suggest a familial factor, not detectable in our current measures of the dynamic responses of glucose or insulin to an IVGTT is an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Low S(I) and low S(G), both measures of glucose disposal, interact with this putative familial factor to result in a high risk of type 2 diabetes in the FH+ individuals, but not in the FH- individuals.
Ueki, Kohjiro, David Fruman, Claudine Yballe, Mathias Fasshauer, Johannes Klein, Tomoichiro Asano, Lewis Cantley, and Ronald Kahn. 2003. “Positive and negative roles of p85 alpha and p85 beta regulatory subunits of phosphoinositide 3-kinase in insulin signaling”. J Biol Chem 278 (48): 48453-66.
Class IA phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase is composed of a p110 catalytic subunit and a p85 regulatory subunit and plays a pivotal role in insulin signaling. To explore the physiological roles of two major regulatory isoforms, p85 alpha and p85 beta, we have established brown adipose cell lines with disruption of the Pik3r1 or Pik3r2 gene. Pik3r1-/- (p85 alpha-/-) cells show a 70% reduction of p85 protein and a parallel reduction of p110. These cells have a 50% decrease in PI 3-kinase activity and a 30% decrease in Akt activity, leading to decreased insulin-induced glucose uptake and anti-apoptosis. Pik3r2-/- (p85 beta-/-) cells show a 25% reduction of p85 protein but normal levels of p85-p110 and PI 3-kinase activity, supporting the fact that p85 is more abundant than p110 in wild type. p85 beta-/- cells, however, exhibit significantly increased insulin-induced Akt activation, leading to increased anti-apoptosis. Reconstitution experiments suggest that the discrepancy between PI 3-kinase activity and Akt activity is at least in part due to the p85-dependent negative regulation of downstream signaling of PI 3-kinase. Indeed, both p85 alpha-/- cells and p85 beta-/- cells exhibit significantly increased insulin-induced glycogen synthase activation. p85 alpha-/- cells show decreased insulin-stimulated Jun N-terminal kinase activity, which is restored by expression of p85 alpha, p85 beta, or a p85 mutant that does not bind to p110, indicating the existence of p85-dependent, but PI 3-kinase-independent, signaling pathway. Furthermore, a reduction of p85 beta specifically increases insulin receptor substrate-2 phosphorylation. Thus, p85 alpha and p85 beta modulate PI 3-kinase-dependent signaling by multiple mechanisms and transmit signals independent of PI 3-kinase activation.
Fisher, Simon, and Ronald Kahn. (2003) 2003. “Insulin signaling is required for insulin's direct and indirect action on hepatic glucose production”. J Clin Invest 111 (4): 463-8.
We and others have suggested that insulin predominantly acts indirectly to inhibit hepatic glucose production (HGP) via suppression of gluconeogenic precursors, FFAs, and glucagon. To test that hypothesis, we performed high-dose hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps using [3-(3)H]-glucose in liver-specific insulin receptor knockout (LIRKO) mice, LIRKO mice treated with streptozotocin (LIRKO+STZ), and controls. In LIRKO mice, fasted glucose was normal, but insulin levels were elevated tenfold. STZ treatment reduced insulinemia by 60% with resulting hyperglycemia. Interestingly, basal HGP was similar in all three groups. During the clamp, HGP was suppressed by 82 +/- 17% in controls, but was not suppressed in either LIRKO or LIRKO+STZ mice. Glucose infusion and utilization were impaired ( approximately 50%) in LIRKO and LIRKO+STZ mice versus controls. Insulin suppressed FFAs similarly in all groups ( approximately 46%). Glucagon was not significantly suppressed during the clamp. Thus, in LIRKO mice, (a) high-dose insulin fails to suppress HGP indicating that both direct and indirect effects of insulin require an intact insulin-signaling pathway in the liver; (b) primary hepatic insulin resistance leads to hyperinsulinemia and secondary extrahepatic insulin resistance; and (c) lowering insulin levels with STZ tended to improve extrahepatic insulin sensitivity but failed to reveal the previously postulated indirect role of insulin in suppressing HGP.
Bluher, Matthias, Barbara Kahn, and Ronald Kahn. 2003. “Extended longevity in mice lacking the insulin receptor in adipose tissue”. Science 299 (5606): 572-4.
Caloric restriction has been shown to increase longevity in organisms ranging from yeast to mammals. In some organisms, this has been associated with a decreased fat mass and alterations in insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) pathways. To further explore these associations with enhanced longevity, we studied mice with a fat-specific insulin receptor knockout (FIRKO). These animals have reduced fat mass and are protected against age-related obesity and its subsequent metabolic abnormalities, although their food intake is normal. Both male and female FIRKO mice were found to have an increase in mean life-span of approximately 134 days (18%), with parallel increases in median and maximum life-spans. Thus, a reduction of fat mass without caloric restriction can be associated with increased longevity in mice, possibly through effects on insulin signaling.
Valverde, Angela, Monica Arribas, Cecilia Mur, Paloma Navarro, Sebastián Pons, Anne-Marie Cassard-Doulcier, Ronald Kahn, and Manuel Benito. 2003. “Insulin-induced up-regulated uncoupling protein-1 expression is mediated by insulin receptor substrate 1 through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway in fetal brown adipocytes”. J Biol Chem 278 (12): 10221-31.
To investigate the role of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and its downstream signaling in insulin-induced thermogenic differentiation of brown adipocytes, we have reconstituted IRS-1-deficient fetal brown adipocytes (IRS-1(-/-)) with wild-type IRS-1 (IRS-1(wt)). The lack of IRS-1 resulted in the inability of insulin to induce IRS-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity and Akt phosphorylation in IRS-1(-/-) brown adipocytes. In addition, these cells showed an impairment in activating alpha-Akt, beta-Akt, and gamma-Akt isoforms upon insulin stimulation. Reconstitution of IRS-1(-/-) brown adipocytes with IRS-1(wt) restored the IRS-1/PI 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway. Treatment of wild-type brown adipocytes with insulin for 24 h up-regulated uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) expression and transactivated the UCP-1 promoter; this effect was abolished in the absence of IRS-1 or in the presence of an Akt inhibitor and further recovered after IRS-1(wt) reconstitution. Neither UCP-2 nor UCP-3 was up-regulated by insulin in wild-type and IRS-1-deficient brown adipocytes. Insulin stimulated the expression of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (C/EBPalpha) and its DNA binding activity in wild-type brown adipocytes but not in IRS-1(-/-) cells. However, insulin stimulation of both C/EBPalpha expression and binding activity was restored after IRS-1(wt) reconstitution of deficient cells. Retrovirus-mediated expression of C/EBPalpha and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in IRS-1(-/-) brown adipocytes up-regulated UCP-1 protein content and transactivated UCP-1 promoter regardless of insulin stimulation. Both C/EBPalpha and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma reconstituted FAS mRNA expression, but only C/EBPalpha restored insulin sensitivity in the absence of IRS-1. Finally, reconstitution of IRS-1(-/-) brown adipocytes with the IRS-1 mutants IRS-1(Phe-895), which lacks IRS-1/growth factor receptor binding protein 2 binding but not IRS-1/p85-PI 3-kinase binding, or with IRS-1(Tyr-608/Tyr-628/Tyr-658), which only binds p85-PI 3-kinase, induced UCP-1 expression and transactivated the UCP-1 promoter. These data provide strong evidence for an essential role of IRS-1 through the PI 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway inducing UCP-1 gene expression by insulin.
Kitamura, Tadahiro, Ronald Kahn, and Domenico Accili. (2003) 2003. “Insulin receptor knockout mice”. Annu Rev Physiol 65: 313-32.
To examine the role of the insulin receptor in fuel homeostasis, we and others have carried out genetic ablation studies in mice. Mice lacking insulin receptors are born with normal features, but develop early postnatal diabetes and die of ketoacidosis. In contrast, mice lacking insulin receptors in specific cell types as a result of conditional mutagenesis develop mild metabolic and reproductive abnormalities. These experiments have uncovered novel functions of insulin receptors in tissues such as brain and pancreatic beta-cells. Combined knockout studies of insulin and Igf1 receptors indicate that the insulin receptor also promotes embryonic growth. Experimental crosses of mice with insulin receptor haploinsufficiency have been instrumental to the genetic analysis of insulin action by enabling us to assign specific roles to different insulin receptor substrates and identify novel elements in insulin signaling.
Hirashima, Tsuruzoe, Kodama, Igata, Toyonaga, Ueki, Kahn, and Araki. (2003) 2003. “Insulin down-regulates insulin receptor substrate-2 expression through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway”. J Endocrinol 179 (2): 253-66.
Insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 and IRS-2 are the major substrates that mediate insulin action. Insulin itself regulates the expression of the IRS protein in the liver, but the underlying mechanisms of IRS-1 and IRS-2 regulation are not fully understood. Here we report that insulin suppressed the expression of both IRS-1 and IRS-2 proteins in Fao hepatoma cells. The decrease in IRS-1 protein occurred via proteasomal degradation without any change in IRS-1 mRNA, whereas the insulin-induced suppression of IRS-2 protein was associated with a parallel decrease in IRS-2 mRNA without changing IRS-2 mRNA half-life. The insulin-induced suppression of IRS-2 mRNA and protein was blocked by the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase inhibitor, LY294002, but not by the MAP kinase-ERK kinase (MEK) inhibitor, PD098059. Inhibition of Akt by overexpression of dominant-negative Akt also caused complete attenuation of the insulin-induced decrease in IRS-2 protein and partial attenuation of its mRNA down-regulation. Some nuclear proteins bound to the insulin response element (IRE) sequence on the IRS-2 gene in an insulin-dependent manner in vitro, and the binding was also blocked by the PI 3-kinase inhibitor. Reporter gene assay showed that insulin suppressed the activity of both human and rat IRS-2 gene promoters through the IRE in a PI 3-kinase-dependent manner. Our results indicate that insulin regulates IRS-1 and IRS-2 through different mechanisms and that insulin represses IRS-2 gene expression via a PI 3-kinase/Akt pathway.
Kahn, Ronald. 2003. “Knockout mice challenge our concepts of glucose homeostasis and the pathogenesis of diabetes”. Exp Diabesity Res 4 (3): 169-82.
A central component of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance. Insulin exerts a multifaceted and highly integrated series of actions via its intracellular signaling systems. Generation of mice carrying null mutations of the genes encoding proteins in the insulin signaling pathway provides a unique approach to determining the role of individual proteins in the molecular mechanism of insulin action and the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and diabetes. The role of the four major insulin receptor substrates (IRS1-4) in insulin and IGF-1 signaling have been examined by creating mice with targeted gene knockouts. Each produces a unique phenotype, indicating the complementary role of these signaling components. Combined heterozygous defects often produce synergistic or epistatic effects, although the final severity of the phenotype depends on the genetic background of the mice. Conditional knockouts of the insulin receptor have also been created using the Cre-lox system. These tissue specific knockouts have provide unique insights into the control of glucose homeostasis and the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, and have led to development of new hypotheses about the nature of the insulin action and development of diabetes.
Hallmann, Daniel, Katja Trümper, Heidi Trusheim, Kohjiro Ueki, Ronald Kahn, Lewis Cantley, David Fruman, and Dieter Hörsch. 2003. “Altered signaling and cell cycle regulation in embryonal stem cells with a disruption of the gene for phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulatory subunit p85alpha”. J Biol Chem 278 (7): 5099-108.
The p85alpha regulatory subunit of class I(A) phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3K) is derived from the Pik3r1 gene, which also yields alternatively spliced variants p50alpha and p55alpha. It has been proposed that excess monomeric p85 competes with functional PI3K p85-p110 heterodimers. We examined embryonic stem (ES) cells with heterozygous and homozygous disruptions in the Pik3r gene and found that wild type ES cells express virtually no monomeric p85alpha. Although, IGF-1-stimulated PI3K activity associated with insulin receptor substrates was unaltered in all cell lines, p85alpha-null ES cells showed diminished protein kinase B activation despite increased PI3K activity associated with the p85beta subunit. Furthermore, p85alpha-null cells demonstrated growth retardation, increased frequency of apoptosis, and altered cell cycle regulation with a G(0)/G(1) cell cycle arrest and up-regulation of p27(KIP), whereas signaling through CREB and MAPK was enhanced. These phenotypes were reversed by re-expression of p85alpha via adenoviral gene transfer. Surprisingly, all ES cell lines could be differentiated into adipocytes. In these differentiated ES cells, however, compensatory p85beta signaling was lost in p85alpha-null cells while increased signaling by CREB and MAPK was still observed. Thus, loss of p85alpha in ES cells induced alterations in IGF-1 signaling and regulation of apoptosis and cell cycle but no defects in differentiation. However, differentiated ES cells partially lost their ability for compensatory signaling at the level of PI3K, which may explain some of the defects observed in mice with homozygous deletion of the Pik3r1 gene.