Publications by Year: 2014


Ussar, Siegfried, Kevin Lee, Simon Dankel, Jeremie Boucher, Max-Felix Haering, Andre Kleinridders, Thomas Thomou, et al. 2014. “ASC-1, PAT2, and P2RX5 are cell surface markers for white, beige, and brown adipocytes”. Sci Transl Med 6 (247): 247ra103.
White, beige, and brown adipocytes are developmentally and functionally distinct but often occur mixed together within individual depots. To target white, beige, and brown adipocytes for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, a better understanding of the cell surface properties of these cell types is essential. Using a combination of in silico, in vitro, and in vivo methods, we have identified three new cell surface markers of adipose cell types. The amino acid transporter ASC-1 is a white adipocyte-specific cell surface protein, with little or no expression in brown adipocytes, whereas the amino acid transporter PAT2 and the purinergic receptor P2RX5 are cell surface markers expressed in classical brown and beige adipocytes in mice. These markers also selectively mark brown/beige and white adipocytes in human tissue. Thus, ASC-1, PAT2, and P2RX5 are membrane surface proteins that may serve as tools to identify and target white and brown/beige adipocytes for therapeutic purposes.
Iovino, Salvatore, Alison Burkart, Kristina Kriauciunas, Laura Warren, Katelyn Hughes, Michael Molla, Youn-Kyoung Lee, Mary-Elizabeth Patti, and Ronald Kahn. (2014) 2014. “Genetic insulin resistance is a potent regulator of gene expression and proliferation in human iPS cells”. Diabetes 63 (12): 4130-42.
Insulin resistance is central to diabetes and metabolic syndrome. To define the consequences of genetic insulin resistance distinct from those secondary to cellular differentiation or in vivo regulation, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from individuals with insulin receptor mutations and age-appropriate control subjects and studied insulin signaling and gene expression compared with the fibroblasts from which they were derived. iPSCs from patients with genetic insulin resistance exhibited altered insulin signaling, paralleling that seen in the original fibroblasts. Insulin-stimulated expression of immediate early genes and proliferation were also potently reduced in insulin resistant iPSCs. Global gene expression analysis revealed marked differences in both insulin-resistant iPSCs and corresponding fibroblasts compared with control iPSCs and fibroblasts. Patterns of gene expression in patients with genetic insulin resistance were particularly distinct in the two cell types, indicating dependence on not only receptor activity but also the cellular context of the mutant insulin receptor. Thus, iPSCs provide a novel approach to define effects of genetically determined insulin resistance. This study demonstrates that effects of insulin resistance on gene expression are modified by cellular context and differentiation state. Moreover, altered insulin receptor signaling and insulin resistance can modify proliferation and function of pluripotent stem cell populations.
Winnay, Jonathon, Ercument Dirice, Chong Wee Liew, Rohit Kulkarni, and Ronald Kahn. 2014. “p85α deficiency protects β-cells from endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 (3): 1192-7.
In insulin resistant states such as type 2 diabetes, there is a high demand on the β-cell to synthesize and secrete insulin, which challenges the ability of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to synthesize and fold nascent proteins. This creates a state of ER stress that triggers a coordinated program referred to as the unfolded protein response (UPR) that attempts to restore ER homeostasis. We identified a role for the p85α regulatory subunit of PI3K to modulate the UPR by promoting the nuclear localization of X-box binding protein 1, a transcription factor central to the UPR. In the present study we demonstrate that reducing p85α expression in β-cells can markedly delay the onset and severity of the diabetic phenotype observed in Akita(+/-) mice, which express a mutant insulin molecule. This is due to a decrease in activation of ER stress-dependent apoptotic pathways and a preservation of β-cell mass and function. These data demonstrate that modulation of p85α can protect pancreatic β-cells from ER stress, pointing to a potentially therapeutic target in diabetic states.
Boucher, Jeremie, Marika Charalambous, Kim Zarse, Marcelo Mori, Andre Kleinridders, Michael Ristow, Anne Ferguson-Smith, and Ronald Kahn. 2014. “Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptors are required for normal expression of imprinted genes”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 (40): 14512-7.
In addition to signaling through the classical tyrosine kinase pathway, recent studies indicate that insulin receptors (IRs) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) receptors (IGF1Rs) can emit signals in the unoccupied state through some yet-to-be-defined noncanonical pathways. Here we show that cells lacking both IRs and IGF1Rs exhibit a major decrease in expression of multiple imprinted genes and microRNAs, which is partially mimicked by inactivation of IR alone in mouse embryonic fibroblasts or in vivo in brown fat in mice. This down-regulation is accompanied by changes in DNA methylation of differentially methylated regions related to these loci. Different from a loss of imprinting pattern, loss of IR and IGF1R causes down-regulated expression of both maternally and paternally expressed imprinted genes and microRNAs, including neighboring reciprocally imprinted genes. Thus, the unoccupied IR and IGF1R generate previously unidentified signals that control expression of imprinted genes and miRNAs through transcriptional mechanisms that are distinct from classical imprinting control.